When you pray the Scriptures, the Word of God back to the Lord, you are growing in your understanding of, and reaffirming, the Covenant that we have God the Father in Jesus Christ. You are praying the will of God, and putting God in remembrance of the things He Himself has said. You are drawing on the wisdom of God that came through men inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Because more reliably than anything else, God’s will is revealed by God’s Word in the Bible.
Click on the themes below to see prayers that have been constructed using the Scriptures that relate to that theme.
Faith | Love | Evangelism | Prayer | Blood of Jesus
- Aaron
- Abandonment
- Abandonment.
- Abiding
- Abiding in Christ
- Abiding in God.
- Ability.
- Abomination
- Abomination.
- Abound
- Abraham
- Abraham's descendants.
- Absence
- Absent from body
- Abstinence
- Abundance
- Abundance.
- Acceptable time.
- Acceptance
- Acceptance.
- Access
- Access to God.
- accomplishment
- Accountability
- Accountability.
- Accusation
- Accusation.
- Acknowledgment
- Acknowledgment.
- Action
- Action.
- Actions
- Active
- Adaptability
- Administration.
- Admonishing
- Admonishment
- Admonishment.
- Admonition
- Adoption
- Adoption.
- Adorning Doctrine.
- Adornment
- Adultery
- Adultery.
- Advantage
- Adversaries
- Adversary
- Adversary.
- Adversity
- Adversity.
- Advice
- Advice.
- Advocacy
- Advocacy.
- Affection
- Affections.
- Affliction
- Affliction.
- afflictions
- Afterlife.
- Age
- ages
- Aging
- Aging Gracefully.
- Agreement
- Aim
- Alertness.
- Alienation
- Alienation.
- Allegiance.
- All Men.
- Amazement
- Amazement.
- Ambassadors
- Ambassadorship
- Ambition
- Amen.
- Ancestral Sin.
- Ancestry.
- Anchor
- Angelic Existence.
- Angelic Hierarchy.
- angelic presence
- Angelology.
- Angels
- angels.
- Anger
- Anger.
- Anger Management.
- annulling
- Anointed
- Anointed.
- Anointed One
- Anointing
- Anointing.
- Answer
- Answered petitions.
- answered prayer
- Answered Prayer.
- Answering.
- Antichrist
- Antichrist.
- Anxiety
- Apocalypse
- Apostasy
- Apostasy.
- Apostles
- apostleship
- Appeal
- Appearance
- appearance vs reality
- Appointment
- Appropriateness.
- Approval
- Approval.
- Army
- Aroma
- Arrest
- Arrogance
- Arrogance.
- Ascension
- Ascension.
- Asceticism
- Asking God
- Assemblies
- Assembly
- Assembly.
- Assimilation
- Association.
- Assurance
- Assurance.
- Astonishment
- Astonishment.
- Atonement
- Atonement.
- Attention
- Attentiveness
- audience
- Authenticity.
- Authority
- Authority.
- Avenge
- Avoidance
- Avoidance of Evil
- Avoiding controversy
- Avoiding Evil.
- Avoiding Sin
- Avoiding Sin.
- Avoiding Stumbling.
- awakening
- Awakening.
- Awareness
- Awareness.
- Awe
- Awe.
- Awesome Acts
- Bad Influence.
- Banner
- Baptism
- Baptism.
- Barrenness
- Battle
- Battle.
- Bearing Fruit
- Beauty
- Beauty.
- Beginning.
- Behavior
- Belief
- Belief.
- Belonging
- Beloved
- Beloved.
- Beloved Children
- Beloved Children.
- Beloved community.
- Beloved Son
- Beloved Son.
- Benefit
- Benefit.
- Benefits
- Betrayal
- Betrayal.
- Beware
- Biblical authority.
- Biblical wisdom.
- Binding/Loosing.
- Birth
- Birthplace
- Bitterness
- Blameless
- Blameless.
- Blamelessness
- Blamelessness.
- Blameless service
- Blasphemy
- Blasphemy.
- Blessedness
- Blessing
- Blessing.
- Blessing and cursing.
- Blessings
- Blessings.
- Blessings of David.
- blindness
- Blindness.
- Blood
- Blood of Jesus
- Blood of Sprinkling
- Boasting
- Boasting.
- Boasting excluded
- Body
- Body as temple.
- Body of Christ
- Body of Christ.
- boldness
- Boldness.
- Bondage
- Bondage.
- Bond of peace.
- Bond of perfection.
- Born again.
- Born of God
- Boundaries
- Boundless.
- Breath of Life
- Bribery
- Bridegroom
- Brotherhood
- Brotherhood.
- Brotherly affection
- Brotherly Love.
- Brothers
- Building
- Building up
- Building up.
- Building up the church.
- Burden
- Burden-bearing
- Burden-bearing.
- Burial
- Burnt Offering.
- Busybodies.
- Calamity
- Call
- calling
- Calling.
- Calling on Yahweh
- Captivation.
- Captivity
- Care
- Care for Animals.
- Care for Others.
- Care for the Vulnerable.
- Careful
- Cares
- Catastrophe
- Caution
- Caution.
- Celebration
- Celebration.
- Celibacy.
- Certainty
- Chains
- Change
- Character
- Charity
- Chastening
- Chastisement
- Childlike faith
- Childlike faith.
- Children
- Children.
- Children of God
- Children of God.
- Choice.
- Chosen
- Chosenness
- Chosen One
- Chosen Ones
- Chosen Way.
- Christ
- Christ's Authority
- Christ's Authority.
- Christ's Deity.
- Christ's exaltation
- Christ's exaltation.
- Christ's example.
- Christ's Headship
- Christ's Lordship.
- Christ's mission.
- Christ's Power
- Christ's Power.
- Christ's presence
- Christ's Presence.
- Christ's Purpose.
- Christ's sacrifice
- Christ's Sacrifice.
- Christ's Service.
- Christ's sovereignty.
- Christ's supremacy
- Christ's victory
- Christ's work.
- Christ-centered
- Christ-centered living.
- Christ-centeredness.
- Christ-like love
- Christ-likeness.
- Christ.
- Christ as Head.
- Christ as Teacher.
- Christian community.
- Christian conduct.
- Christian living.
- Christian service
- Christian witness
- Christ Jesus.
- Christlikeness
- Christology
- Christology.
- Church
- Church Community.
- Church discipline.
- Church Governance.
- Circumcision
- Circumcision.
- Circumcision of heart.
- Circumstances.
- Citizenship
- City of God
- Clarity
- Clarity.
- Cleanliness
- Cleanliness.
- Cleanness.
- Cleansing
- Cleansing.
- Clothing
- Comfort
- Comfort.
- Coming
- Command
- Commanded by Father.
- Commandment
- Commandment.
- Commandments
- Commandments.
- Commands
- Commendable.
- Commission
- Commissioning
- Commissioning.
- Commitment
- Commitment.
- Communication
- Communication.
- Communion
- Communion.
- Community
- Community.
- Companionship.
- Comparison
- Comparison.
- Comparison to Animals.
- Compassion
- Compassion.
- Competition
- Complaining
- Complaint
- Completeness
- completeness.
- Completion
- Completion.
- Comprehension
- Compulsion.
- Concealment
- Condemnation
- Condemnation.
- Condemnation of Sin.
- Conduct
- Conduct.
- Confession
- Confession.
- Confidence
- Confidence.
- Confidentiality.
- Confirmation
- Confirmation.
- Conflict
- Conflict.
- Conflict resolution
- Conflict Resolution.
- Conformity
- Confrontation
- Confrontation.
- Confusion
- Congregation
- connection
- Conquerors
- Conquest
- Conquest.
- Conscience
- Conscience.
- Consent
- Consent.
- Consequence
- Consequence.
- Consequence of Sin.
- Consequences
- Consequences.
- Consequences of Actions.
- Consequences of greed
- Consequences of laziness.
- Consequences of Sin
- Consequences of Sin.
- Consequences of Speech
- Consequences of Wickedness.
- Consideration
- Consistency
- Consistency.
- consolation
- Consolation.
- Conspiracy
- Consumed
- Contempt.
- Contentment
- Contentment.
- Continuity
- Continuity.
- Contrariness
- Control
- Control.
- Conversion
- Conversion.
- Conviction
- Cooperation.
- Cornerstone
- Correction
- Correction.
- corruption
- Corruption.
- Cost
- Costly Payment
- Counsel
- Counsel.
- Counselor
- Counselors.
- Courage
- Courage.
- Covenant
- Covenant.
- Covenant Relationship.
- Covenants
- Covetousness
- Cowardice
- Craftiness
- Craftiness.
- Creation
- Creation.
- creation order.
- Creator
- Credited
- Credited.
- cross
- Cross of Christ.
- Crowd control
- Crowds
- Crown
- Crown of Rejoicing
- Crucifixion
- Cry
- Cry for Help
- Cultivation.
- Cultural differences.
- cultural engagement
- cultural norms.
- Cultural sensitivity.
- Cultural Understanding.
- Culture
- Curiosity
- Curse
- Cursing
- Custom
- Customs
- Danger
- Darkness
- David
- David's House.
- Davidic Covenant
- Day
- Dead
- Dead.
- Death
- Death.
- Death and resurrection.
- Debt
- Decay.
- Deceit
- Deceit.
- Deceitful Lusts.
- Deceitfulness
- Deceitfulness.
- Decency
- Deception
- Deception.
- Decree
- Dedication.
- Deeds.
- Defeat of Satan.
- Defender
- Defense
- Defilement
- Defilement.
- Deity
- Deity.
- Delegation
- Delight
- Delight.
- Delight in Commandments.
- Delight in God's Law.
- Delight in Law
- deliverance
- Deliverance.
- Demons
- Denial
- Denunciation
- Depart from evil
- Depart from Evil.
- Departure
- Dependence
- Dependence.
- Dependence on God.
- Dependency
- Depravity
- Depravity.
- Derision
- Desirability
- Desire
- Desire for Christ
- Desire Fulfilled.
- Desolation
- Despair
- Despair.
- Desperation
- Desperation.
- Despising
- Destination.
- Destiny.
- Destruction
- Destruction.
- detachment
- Determination
- Detestation.
- Devil
- Devotion
- Devotion.
- Diaspora
- Dietary restrictions.
- Different gospel
- Difficulty
- Difficulty.
- Digestion
- Dignity
- Diligence
- Diligence.
- Direction
- Direction.
- Disappointment
- discernment
- Discernment.
- Discipleship
- Discipleship.
- Discipline
- Discontentment
- Discord.
- Discretion
- Disgrace.
- Dishonesty.
- Dishonor
- Disobedience
- Disobedience.
- Displeasure
- Disputes
- Disqualification
- Disrespect
- Distance
- Distraction.
- Distractions
- Distress
- Distress.
- Distribution
- Distrust
- Diversity
- Divine actions.
- Divine Anger
- Divine assistance.
- Divine communication.
- Divine Favor.
- Divine Guidance.
- Divine healing.
- Divine identity.
- Divine Immanence
- Divine Intervention
- Divine Intervention.
- Divine Judgment.
- Divine justice.
- Divine Knowledge
- Divine Knowledge.
- Divine Mediator.
- divine messenger
- Divine Mission.
- Divine Nourishment.
- Divine Observation.
- divine perspective
- Divine Plan.
- Divine power.
- Divine Presence
- Divine Presence.
- Divine Promise.
- Divine protection.
- Divine Providence.
- Divine Revelation.
- Divine sonship.
- Divine Sovereignty
- Divine Sovereignty.
- Divine Teaching.
- Divine Will.
- Divine wisdom.
- Divinity
- Divinity.
- Division
- Divorce
- Divorce.
- Doctrine
- Dominion
- Door
- Double-mindedness
- Doubt
- Doubt.
- drawing near
- Drifting Away.
- Drunkenness.
- Dullness.
- Duty.
- Dwell
- Dwelling
- Dwelling.
- Dwelling Place
- Dynasty
- Eager
- Eager Expectation
- Earth
- Earth.
- Earthly
- Earthly-mindedness.
- Earthly limitations.
- Ease.
- edification
- Edification.
- Education
- Eldership
- Eldership.
- Election
- Election.
- Election of Grace.
- Elijah
- Emotion
- Emotions
- Empathy
- Empathy.
- Empowerment
- encouragement
- Encouragement.
- End.
- Ends of the Earth.
- End Times
- End Times.
- endurance
- Endurance.
- Enduring Truth
- enemies
- Enemies.
- Enemies Conquered
- Enemy
- Enemy of God.
- Enemy Triumph.
- Enlightenment
- Enlightenment.
- Enmity
- Enrichment
- Enthronement
- Entrance.
- Entreatment
- Entrepreneurship
- Envy
- Ephemerality
- Equality
- Equality.
- Equipping
- Equity
- Equity.
- Error
- Escape
- Escape.
- Escaping
- Eschatology
- Eschatology.
- Establish
- Established
- Establishing truth.
- establishment
- Establishment.
- eternal
- Eternal Consequences.
- eternal dwelling.
- Eternal existence.
- Eternal faithfulness.
- Eternal Hope
- Eternal Kingship
- Eternal Life
- Eternal Life.
- eternal nature.
- Eternal Perspective
- Eternal perspective.
- eternal praise.
- Eternal priesthood
- Eternal Punishment.
- eternal reign
- Eternal Reign.
- Eternal Reward.
- Eternal Rule.
- Eternal security.
- Eternal Thanks.
- Eternal Treasure.
- Eternity
- Eternity.
- ethics
- Eucharist
- evangelism
- Evangelism.
- Everlasting
- Everlasting Home.
- Evident
- Evil
- Evil.
- Evil forces
- Evil Intentions.
- Evil thoughts.
- Exaltation
- Exaltation.
- Examination
- Example
- Example.
- Examples
- excellence
- Excellence.
- Excellency
- exclusion
- Exclusion.
- Exclusivity
- Excommunication.
- Excuse
- Excuses
- Exhortation
- Exhortation.
- Exile
- Expectation
- Expediency.
- Exposure
- Extol
- Eye
- Eyewitnesses
- Fables
- Factions
- Failure.
- Fair compensation.
- Fairness
- Fairness.
- faith
- Faith.
- Faith Allocation.
- Faithfulness
- Faithfulness.
- faithfulness to God's word.
- faith in Christ.
- faith in God
- Faithlessness.
- False Accusation.
- False accusations.
- False Believers
- False Confidence.
- False Doctrine.
- Falsehood
- Falsehood.
- False prophets
- False prophets.
- False teachers
- False Teachers.
- False Teaching
- False Teaching.
- False teachings
- False way
- False witness
- False Worship
- Familiarity
- Family
- Family.
- Family Conflict.
- Family Dynamics.
- Family Dysfunction.
- Family Redemption
- Family Relationships.
- Fantasy
- farewell
- Fasting
- Fasting.
- Father
- Father's Authority.
- Father's greatness.
- Father's love
- Father's Love.
- Father's Mission.
- Father's Will.
- Father's witness.
- Father-Son Relationship.
- Father-Son Unity.
- Father.
- Fatherhood
- Fatherhood.
- Fatherhood of God.
- Fatherless
- Fatherlessness.
- Fathers
- Favor
- Favor.
- favour
- Fear
- Fear.
- Fear and Trembling.
- Fearlessness
- Fearlessness.
- Fear not
- Fear Not.
- Fear of God
- Fear of God.
- Fear of Man.
- Fear of the Lord
- Fear of Yahweh
- Feast
- Feasting.
- Fellowship
- Fellowship.
- Fellowship in suffering
- Fertility
- Fertility.
- Fervency
- Fewness
- Fidelity
- Filling.
- Filling all things.
- Finding
- Finding God
- Fire
- Fire.
- Firm Hold
- Firmness
- Firmness.
- First fruits
- Fitting.
- Flattery
- Flattery.
- Flavor
- Flawlessness
- Fleeing
- Fleeing lusts
- Fleeting nature
- Fleetingness
- Flesh
- Flesh.
- Fleshly Desires.
- Flesh vs. Spirit
- Flesh vs Spirit.
- Flourishing
- Focus
- focus on God
- Following
- Following Christ.
- Following God.
- Following Jesus.
- Folly
- Folly.
- Food
- Foolishness
- Foolishness.
- Foolishness to man.
- Footstool.
- Force.
- Foreigners
- Foreigners.
- Foreknowledge
- Foreordination
- Forerunner
- Forever
- Forever.
- Forgetfulness
- Forgetfulness.
- forgiveness
- Forgiveness.
- Forgiveness heals wounds.
- Forsaking
- Fortress
- Foundation
- Foundation.
- Fountain of Life
- Fragility
- Frailty
- Fraud
- freedom
- Freedom.
- Freedom from Death
- Freedom from sin
- Freedom in Christ.
- Free Gift
- Free Will
- Free Will.
- Friendship
- Friendship.
- Fruit
- fruitfulness
- Fruitfulness.
- Fruitlessness
- Fruitlessness.
- Fruit of labor.
- frustration
- Frustration.
- Fulfilled
- Fulfillment
- Fulfillment.
- Fulfillment of Law
- Fulfillment of Prophecy.
- fullness
- Fullness of God.
- Fullness of Life.
- Furtherance.
- Fury
- Futility
- Future
- Future Generation.
- Future generations
- Future Hope.
- Future Redemption.
- Gain.
- Gain Christ.
- Gathering
- Gender
- Gender Roles
- Gender Roles.
- Genealogies
- Genealogy
- Generation
- Generation.
- Generational
- Generational Blessing.
- Generational Consequences.
- Generational curse
- Generational Faithfulness
- Generational faithfulness.
- Generational legacy.
- Generations
- Generations.
- Generosity
- Generosity.
- Gentile outreach.
- Gentiles
- Gentiles.
- Gentile salvation.
- gentleness
- Gentleness.
- Gift
- Gift of Christ.
- Gift of God
- gifts
- Giving
- Giving.
- Gladness
- Gladness.
- Global Impact.
- Global Mission
- Global mission.
- Global Salvation.
- Global worship.
- Glorification
- Glorification.
- Glorify.
- Glorify Father.
- glorifying God
- Glorifying God.
- Glorious Lord.
- Glory
- Glory.
- Glory of God
- Glory of God.
- Glory to God.
- Gluttony
- God
- God's absence.
- God's Appointment.
- God's Approval
- God's approval.
- God's Assembly.
- God's Attention
- God's Authority
- God's care
- God's care.
- God's Character
- God's Character.
- God's Children
- God's Choice.
- God's chosen people
- God's Comfort
- God's commands
- God's Design.
- God's Displeasure
- God's dwelling
- God's example.
- God's faithfulness
- God's faithfulness.
- God's Fame.
- God's Fatherhood
- God's Favor.
- God's gift
- God's Gift.
- God's glory
- God's glory.
- God's goodness
- God's goodness.
- God's grace
- God's greatness
- God's greatness.
- God's guidance
- God's Hearing
- God's help
- God's Help.
- God's Holiness.
- God's house
- God's house.
- God's immutability
- God's impartiality
- God's Judgment.
- God's Kingdom
- God's Kingdom.
- God's knowledge
- God's knowledge.
- God's law
- God's love
- God's love.
- God's Mercy
- God's Name
- God's nature
- God's nature.
- God's omnipresence
- God's omniscience
- God's Omniscience.
- God's Patience.
- God's people.
- God's Plan.
- God's pleasure
- God's Power
- God's Power.
- God's presence
- God's Presence.
- God's Promise
- God's protection
- God's Protection.
- God's provision
- God's Provision.
- God's Remembrance.
- God's seal.
- God's severity
- God's Son
- God's sovereignty
- God's sovereignty.
- God's Strength
- God's supremacy
- God's Testimony
- God's thoughts
- God's Throne.
- God's uniqueness
- God's universal reign.
- God's will
- God's Will.
- God's Word
- God's Word.
- God's work
- God's Works.
- God's Wrath.
- God.
- God and Men.
- God as a rock
- God is True.
- Godliness
- Godliness.
- Godly sorrow
- God of Israel
- Golden Rule
- Good
- Good deeds
- Goodness
- Goodness.
- Good News
- Good News.
- Good overcomes evil
- Good understanding
- Good vs. Evil
- Good vs. Evil.
- Good Will
- Goodwill.
- Good work
- Good Work.
- Good works
- Good Works.
- Gospel
- Gospel proclamation
- Gospel proclamation.
- Gossip
- Gossip.
- Governance
- Government
- grace
- Grace.
- Graceful speech.
- Gratitude
- Gratitude.
- Greater One.
- Greater Savior.
- Greater Works.
- Greatest
- Greatest commandment.
- Greatness
- Greatness.
- Greed
- Greed.
- Greediness
- Greeting.
- Greetings.
- Grief
- Groaning
- Groaning.
- Growth
- Growth.
- grumbling
- Grumbling.
- Guarantee
- Guardianship
- Guarding
- Guarding speech.
- guidance
- Guidance.
- Guilt
- Guiltless.
- Guiltlessness
- Habitation.
- Handiwork.
- Happiness
- Happiness.
- Hard-heartedness.
- Hardened heart
- Hardened Heart.
- Hardened Hearts
- Hardened minds
- Hardening
- Hardening.
- Hardening of Hearts
- Hardening of Hearts.
- Hardness of heart
- Hardship
- Hard work
- Harm
- Harmlessness
- harvest
- Harvest.
- Haste
- Hate
- Hate.
- Hate evil
- Hatred
- Hatred.
- Hatred of Sin
- Hatred of Sin.
- Hatred of wickedness
- Headship
- Healing
- Healing.
- Health
- Hearing
- Hearing.
- Hearing from both sides.
- Hearing God's Voice.
- Hearing God's Word.
- Hearing the Word.
- Heart
- Heart-motivated
- Heart.
- Heart Condition.
- Heart establishment.
- Heart examination.
- Heart transformation.
- Heaven
- Heaven's near.
- Heaven and Earth
- Heavenly
- Heavenly-mindedness
- Heavenly Citizenship.
- Heavenly home.
- Heavenly Kingdom
- Heavenly Powers.
- Heavenly Reign.
- Hedonism.
- Heed
- Hell
- Hell.
- Help
- Help.
- Help from God.
- Helplessness
- Helplessness.
- Heresies
- Heritage
- Hidden.
- Hierarchy
- High Priest
- High Priesthood.
- holiness
- Holiness.
- Holy
- Holy Name.
- Holy One
- Holy One.
- Holy Place
- Holy Place.
- Holy Prophets
- Holy Scriptures.
- Holy Spirit
- Holy Spirit.
- Home
- Homecoming.
- Homelessness
- Honesty
- Honesty.
- Honor
- Honor.
- Honoring Authority
- Honoring God.
- hope
- Hope.
- Hope in God.
- Hospitality
- Hospitality.
- Hostility
- Hour.
- Household Management
- Household Redemption.
- Human Dependence
- Human Dignity.
- human effort
- Human Frailty.
- Humanity
- Human Knowledge.
- Human Nature.
- Human Tradition
- Human weakness.
- Humiliation
- humility
- Humility.
- Humor
- Hunger
- Hypocrisy
- Hypocrisy.
- Identity
- Identity.
- Identity in Christ.
- Idleness
- Idolatry
- Idolatry.
- Ignorance
- Ignorance.
- Illegitimacy
- Illumination
- image
- Image of God
- Image of God.
- Imagination.
- Imitation
- Imitation.
- Immaturity
- Immaturity.
- Imminence
- Imminence.
- Immorality
- Immorality.
- Immortality
- Immortality.
- Immutability
- Impartiality.
- Impatience
- imperfection
- Imperishable body.
- Impermanence
- Impermanence.
- Implore
- Importance of Actions.
- Importance of People
- Impossibility
- imprisonment
- Imprisonment.
- Incarnation
- Incarnation.
- Incest
- Inclusion
- Inclusion.
- Inclusivity
- Inclusivity.
- Incompatibility.
- Incompleteness.
- Incomprehensibility.
- Incorruptibility.
- Incorruptible.
- Increase
- Indignation
- Indignation.
- Individuality.
- Indulgence of the flesh.
- Industry
- Indwelling
- Indwelling.
- Indwelling of Christ.
- Indwelling Spirit
- Indwelling Spirit.
- Inescapability
- Influence
- Influence.
- Ingratitude
- Inhabitation.
- Inheritance
- Inheritance.
- Iniquity
- Iniquity.
- Injustice
- Inner beauty
- Inner character
- Inner Life
- Innermost parts.
- inner purity
- Innocence
- Innocence.
- Inquiry
- Inquiry.
- Inspiration
- Instability.
- Instruction
- instruction from law.
- Instructions
- Integrity
- Integrity.
- Intercession
- Intercession.
- Interdependence
- Interdependence.
- Interest
- Interference
- Interpersonal Relationships.
- Interpretation
- Interpretation.
- Intimacy
- Intimacy.
- Investment
- Invitation
- Inward person.
- Inward transformation.
- Irrevocable.
- Isaac's lineage
- Isolation
- Israel
- Israel's disobedience.
- Israel's testimony
- Israel's testimony.
- Jacob
- Jacob's Blessing.
- Jacob's Legacy
- Jealousy
- Jealousy.
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem's restoration.
- Jerusalem.
- Jesus
- Jesus' authority
- Jesus' Authority.
- Jesus' Birth.
- Jesus' Identity
- Jesus' ministry.
- Jesus' Power.
- Jesus' rebuke.
- Jesus' return.
- Jesus' sacrifice.
- Jesus as Christ
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus Christ.
- Jews
- Journey
- joy
- Joy.
- Joyful Giving.
- Joyful Sacrifice
- Joy in affliction
- Jubilee
- Judah
- Judgement
- Judgement.
- Judges
- Judging
- Judgment
- Judgment.
- Judgments
- Justice
- Justice.
- Justification
- Justification.
- Karma
- Kindness
- Kindness.
- King.
- Kingdom
- Kingdom.
- Kingdom of God
- Kingdom of God.
- Kingdom of Heaven
- Kingdom of Heaven.
- Kingdoms
- King of Israel.
- Kings
- Kingship
- Kingship.
- Knowing Christ
- knowing God
- Knowing God.
- knowledge
- Knowledge-seeking.
- Knowledge.
- Knowledge of Christ
- Knowledge of God
- Knowledge of God's Law.
- knowledge of God.
- Knowledge of Sin
- Labor
- Laborers
- Lack of Faith.
- Lament
- Lamentation.
- Land
- Land ownership.
- Language
- Language barrier
- Language diversity
- Last Days.
- Last Supper.
- Laughter
- Law
- Law-keeping
- Law.
- Law Fulfilled.
- Lawful goodness
- Lawgiver
- Lawlessness
- Law of faith.
- Law of the Lord.
- Laziness
- Laziness.
- Leadership
- Leadership.
- Leadership by example.
- Learning
- Learning.
- Legacy
- Legacy.
- Legalism
- Legalism.
- Legal System.
- Letters of commendation.
- Liberation
- Liberty
- Life
- Life's Meaning.
- Life's Value
- Life-giver
- Life-giving.
- Life-saving
- Life-saving.
- Life.
- Life and Peace.
- Life in His name.
- Light
- Light and Darkness.
- Light vs. Darkness
- Light vs. Darkness.
- Lineage
- Listen
- Listening
- Listening.
- Listening to Jesus.
- Living
- Living and Dead.
- Living Water
- Living water.
- Location
- Location.
- Loneliness
- Longevity
- Longevity.
- Longing
- Longing fulfilled
- Long Life.
- Lord
- Lord's might
- Lord's presence
- Lord's sovereignty
- Lord's Will
- Lord's Will.
- Lord Jesus
- Lord Jesus.
- Lord Jesus Christ.
- Lordship
- Lordship.
- Loss
- Lost and Found.
- Lost Sheep.
- love
- Love.
- Love conquers hate
- Love for Jerusalem.
- Love for Law
- Love for Neighbor.
- Love thy neighbor.
- Loving kindness
- Loving Kindness.
- Low estate.
- Lowly
- loyalty
- Loyalty.
- Lust
- Lust.
- Lusts
- Luxury
- Lying
- Magnificat
- Magnify.
- Magnifying Christ.
- Majesty
- Malice.
- Man
- Man's Limitations.
- Man.
- Marriage
- Marriage.
- Martyrdom
- Martyrdom.
- Marvel
- Marveling
- Marvelous.
- Marvelous works.
- Materialism
- Materialism.
- Material possessions.
- Maturity
- Meaningful communication.
- Measurement
- Measurement.
- Mediator
- Meditation
- Meditation.
- Meeting
- Meeting.
- Melchizedek
- Memorization
- Memory
- Mercy
- Mercy.
- Messenger
- Messiah
- Messiah's Coming.
- Messiah.
- Messianic Secret
- Messianic Secret.
- Might
- Mightiness
- Mighty Acts
- Mighty One
- Mighty Works.
- Mindset.
- Mindset shift.
- ministry
- Ministry.
- Miracle
- miracles
- Miracles.
- Misconception.
- Mission
- Mission.
- Missionary Journey.
- Missions
- Misunderstanding
- Mockers
- Mockery
- Mockery.
- Moderation
- Moderation.
- Modesty
- Modesty.
- Money
- Monotheism
- Monotheism.
- moral excellence
- morality
- Mortal Body
- Mortality
- Mortality.
- Moses
- Motherhood
- Motherhood.
- Motives.
- Mourning
- Multiplication
- Multiplication.
- Multitude
- Multitudes
- Murder.
- Music
- Music.
- Mutual Obligation.
- Mutual Submission.
- Mysteries.
- Mystery
- Mystery.
- Myths
- Nakedness
- Name
- Name.
- Name above all
- Naming of Jesus.
- Nation
- Nations
- Nations.
- Nature
- Nature's Fury
- Nearness
- Nearness.
- Nearness of God
- Necessity
- Necessity.
- Needy
- Needy.
- Neglect
- Neighbor
- Neighbor.
- Neighborly love
- Neighborly Love.
- New Covenant
- New Covenant.
- New creation
- New Life
- New Life.
- Newness
- Night
- Nobility
- No Death.
- Non-contentiousness
- Non-judgment
- Non-Retaliation.
- Non-violence
- Nonconformity.
- Nonviolence
- Nonviolence.
- Not Ashamed
- No unrighteousness.
- Nourishment
- Nourishment.
- Nurture
- Nurturing
- Oath
- Oath.
- Oaths
- Obedience
- Obedience.
- Obedience of faith
- obedience to God's word.
- Obedience to God.
- Obligation
- Observation
- Obsolete
- Obvious
- offense
- Offense.
- Offering
- Offspring
- Offspring.
- Old covenant
- Omnipotence
- Omnipresence
- Omniscience
- Omniscience.
- Oneness
- Oneness.
- online prayer group
- online prayer vision
- Openness
- Openness.
- Opportunity
- Opposition
- Opposition.
- Oppression
- Oppression.
- Order
- Orderliness
- Orderliness.
- Ordinances
- Ordinances.
- Orphaned
- Others first
- Outreach
- Outward actions.
- outward appearance
- Overcoming
- Overcoming.
- Overthrow
- Overthrow of the wicked.
- Ownership
- Ownership.
- Ownership transfer.
- Parable
- Parables
- Parables.
- Parental Instruction.
- Parental Responsibility.
- Parenting
- Parenting.
- Partiality
- Participation
- Partnership
- Partnership.
- Passing away.
- Passing on faith
- Passion
- Passion.
- Passover
- patience
- Patience.
- Pattern
- peace
- Peace.
- Peaceful Kingdom.
- Peacefulness
- Peacemakers
- Peoples
- Peoples.
- Perception
- Perception.
- Perfection
- Perfection.
- Perilous times
- Perishing
- Perishing.
- Permanence
- Permanence.
- Perplexity
- Persecution
- Persecution.
- Perseverance
- perseverance.
- Perseverance in Affliction.
- Persistence
- Persistence.
- Personal Conviction.
- Persuasion
- Perversion
- Perversion.
- Perversity
- Peter's boldness
- Petition
- Petitions
- Pharisees
- Physicality
- Piety
- Pilgrimage
- Pillars
- Pitiable.
- Pity on the Poor.
- Plague
- Planning
- Planning.
- Pleasantness
- Pleasing
- Pleasing God
- Pleasing God.
- Pleasing others.
- Pleasing Spouse.
- Pleasing the Lord.
- Pleasing to God.
- Pleasure
- Pleasure.
- pleasure in evil.
- Pleasure of God.
- Plotting
- Plunder
- Poor
- Poor.
- Possession
- Possession.
- Possessions
- Possibility
- Possibility.
- Posterity
- poverty
- Poverty.
- Poverty to riches.
- power
- Power.
- Power and majesty
- Powerlessness
- Power of God
- Power of God.
- Power of Jesus
- Power of Jesus.
- Power of Words
- Power of Words.
- practice
- praise
- Praise.
- praise and worship.
- Praises
- Prayer
- Prayer.
- prayer strategy
- Pre-existence
- Pre-existence.
- Preach
- Preaching
- Preaching.
- Preaching Christ
- Precepts
- Precepts.
- Precious
- Precious.
- Precious Blood.
- Predestination
- Predestination.
- Prediction
- Preeminence
- preparation
- Preparation.
- Preparedness
- Preparedness.
- Presence
- Presence.
- Presence of God
- Presence of God.
- Preservation
- Preservation.
- Pride
- Pride.
- Pride and arrogance
- Priesthood
- Priesthood.
- Prince cast out.
- Prince defeated
- Princes
- Principalities
- Priorities
- Priorities.
- Prioritization
- Prioritizing God
- priority
- Priority.
- Proactive behavior.
- Proclamation
- Proclamation.
- Proclamation of the Gospel.
- Procrastination
- Procrastination.
- Productivity
- Productivity.
- Profit
- Profitability
- Progress
- Promise
- Promise-keeping.
- Promise.
- Promised Land.
- Promise of Life.
- Promises
- Promises.
- Promotion.
- Proof
- Prophecy
- Prophecy.
- Prophesy.
- Prophet
- Prophethood
- Prophethood.
- Prophetic Ministry.
- Prophets
- Prophets.
- Propriety
- Prosperity
- Prosperity.
- Prostitution
- protection
- Protection.
- Protection of Rights.
- Protection of the flock.
- Protection of Vulnerable.
- Proverbs
- Proverbs.
- Providence
- Providence.
- provision
- Provision.
- Provocation
- Provocation.
- Prudence
- Prudence.
- Pruning
- Pruning.
- Public Square.
- Punishment
- Punishment.
- Pure heart
- Pureness
- Purification
- Purification.
- Purity
- Purity.
- Purpose
- Purpose.
- Purpose of God
- Purpose of Heart
- Pursuit of righteousness
- Ransom
- Rapture
- Readiness
- Readiness.
- Reading the Word.
- Reaping
- Reaping what you sow.
- Reasonable Thinking
- Reasoning
- Reassurance
- Rebellion
- Rebellion.
- Rebuilding
- Rebuke
- Rebuke.
- Rebuke of Kings.
- Receiving.
- Reciprocity
- Reciprocity.
- Recognition
- Recognition.
- Recompense
- Reconciliation
- Reconciliation.
- Redemption
- Redemption.
- Refinement
- Refining
- Reflection
- Refreshing
- Refreshment
- Refreshment.
- Refuge
- Refuge.
- Refuge in God.
- Refusal
- Refusal of Falsehoods.
- Regeneration
- Regeneration.
- Regret.
- Regular Giving.
- Reign
- Reigning
- Reign of God
- Rejection
- Rejection.
- Rejection by God
- Rejection of evil
- Rejection of God's Law.
- Rejection of Sacrifices
- Rejoice
- Rejoicing
- Rejoicing.
- Relationship
- Relationship.
- Relationships
- Relationships.
- Relationship with God.
- Reliable Words
- Relief
- Religion
- Remain
- Remaining in Christ
- Remembering
- Remembering.
- Remembrance
- Remembrance.
- Reminder
- Reminding
- Remission of Sins
- Remission of sins.
- Remnant
- Remorse
- Renewal
- Renewal.
- Renunciation
- Repayment
- Repentance
- Repentance.
- Repetition
- Repetition.
- Replacement
- Representation
- Reproach
- Reproach.
- Reproof
- Reproof.
- Reproofs
- Reputation
- Reputation.
- Rescue
- Resilience
- Resistance
- Resistance.
- Resistance to Change.
- Resourcefulness.
- Respect
- Respect.
- Respect for authority
- Respect for Authority.
- Respect for God's House
- Respect for God's house.
- Respect for God's Name.
- Respect for others.
- Respect for Tradition
- Response
- Responsibility
- Responsibility.
- Rest
- Rest.
- Restitution
- Restitution.
- Restoration
- Restoration.
- Restraint
- Restraint.
- Resurrection
- Resurrection.
- Resurrection power
- Retaliation.
- Retention
- Retribution
- Retribution.
- Return
- Return of Christ
- revelation
- Revelation.
- Revenge
- Revenge.
- Reverence
- Reverence.
- Reversal
- Reversal of Fortune
- Reversal of Fortune.
- Revival
- Reward
- Reward.
- Rewards
- Rewards.
- Riches
- Riches.
- Righteous anger
- Righteous Anger.
- Righteous judgment
- righteousness
- Righteousness.
- Righteousness of God.
- River
- Rock
- Rooted
- Royalty
- Royalty.
- Rule
- Rule of God.
- Sabbath
- Sabbath Observance.
- Sabbath rest.
- Sacrifice
- Sacrifice.
- Sacrificial love
- Safety
- Safety.
- Saints
- Saints.
- Salt
- Salvation
- Salvation.
- Salvation for all.
- Salvation in Christ.
- Samaritans.
- Sanctification
- Sanctification.
- sanctity
- Sanctuary
- Satan
- Satan's power
- Satan's schemes.
- Satan's temptation
- Satisfaction
- Satisfaction.
- Savior
- Scarcity
- Scattering
- Scattering.
- Scheming
- Scoffing
- Scribes
- Scripture
- Scripture fulfillment.
- Scripture interpretation.
- Scriptures
- Seal
- Sealing
- Sealing.
- Search
- Seasons.
- Sea to Sea
- Second Coming
- Second Coming.
- Secrecy
- Secrecy.
- Secret
- Secrets
- Security
- Security.
- Seeing God's Form.
- Seeking
- Seeking.
- Seeking favor
- Seeking God
- Seeking God's Glory.
- Seeking God's Will.
- Seeking God.
- Seeking Good.
- Seeking Knowledge.
- Self-care.
- Self-commendation
- Self-control
- Self-control.
- Self-Deception.
- Self-defense
- Self-Denial
- self-denial.
- Self-discipline
- Self-examination
- Self-Identity.
- Self-imposed worship
- Self-love
- Self-Reflection
- Self-Reflection.
- Self-sacrifice.
- Self-Seeking
- Self-sufficiency
- Self-sufficiency.
- Self-worth
- Self-worth.
- Selfish ambition
- Selfishness
- Selfishness.
- Selflessness
- Selflessness.
- Sending
- Sending Out
- Senselessness.
- Sensual
- Sensuality
- Separation
- Separation.
- Separation from Evil.
- Separation from Sinners
- Separation from sinners.
- Separation of Powers.
- Servant
- Servanthood
- Servanthood.
- Servants
- Serve
- Service
- Service.
- Service to God.
- Servitude
- Servitude.
- Sexual Ethics.
- Sexual immorality
- Sexual Immorality.
- Sexuality
- Sexual morality
- Sexual purity
- Sexual purity.
- Shadow
- Shaking
- Shaking.
- Shallow faith
- Shame
- Shame.
- Sharing
- Sharing.
- Sheep
- Shelter
- Sheol
- Shepherd
- Shield
- Shield.
- Shipwreck
- Sickness
- Sight
- Sign
- Signs
- Signs and wonders.
- Signs of the Times.
- Silence
- Silence.
- silence ignorance.
- Silence of the wicked.
- Simplicity
- Simplicity.
- Sin
- Sin.
- sincerity
- Sin cessation.
- Sinful desires
- Sinful Nature
- Sinfulness
- Singing
- Singing praises
- Singleness
- Singleness of Heart.
- Sinlessness
- Sinlessness.
- Sinners
- Skepticism
- Skill
- Skillfulness.
- Skillful playing.
- Slander
- Slaughter.
- Sleep
- Sleeplessness
- Slothfulness
- Soberness
- Sobriety
- Social Etiquette
- Social Status.
- Soil types
- Soldier
- Solitude
- Solitude.
- Son
- Song.
- Son of Abraham.
- Son of God
- Son of God.
- Son of Man
- Son of Man.
- Sonship
- Sonship.
- Sorrow
- Sorrow.
- Soul
- Soul-keeping.
- Soul Prosperity.
- Sound Answers.
- Sound Doctrine
- sound doctrine.
- Sound Judgment.
- Soundness
- Sound Words
- Sound Words.
- Sovereignty
- Sovereignty.
- Sowing
- Speaking
- Speaking.
- Speaking in tongues
- Speaking in tongues.
- speech
- Speech.
- Speechlessness.
- Spirit
- Spirit's Help
- Spirit-led
- Spirit-led living.
- Spirit.
- Spirits
- Spirits.
- Spiritual
- Spiritual beauty
- Spiritual birth
- Spiritual Blessings
- Spiritual blindness
- Spiritual Blindness.
- Spiritual Deception.
- Spiritual discernment
- Spiritual discernment.
- Spiritual Filling.
- Spiritual Gift
- Spiritual Gifts
- Spiritual Gifts.
- spiritual growth
- Spiritual growth.
- Spiritual Hunger.
- Spiritual Maturity.
- Spiritual nourishment.
- Spiritual Renewal.
- Spiritual Sharing.
- Spiritual things
- Spiritual vs. Fleshly.
- Spiritual Warfare
- Spiritual Warfare.
- Spread of Rumors.
- Spread of the Gospel.
- Stability
- Stability.
- Stand firm
- Status
- Statutes
- Statutes.
- Steadfastness
- Steadfastness.
- Stealing.
- Stewardship
- Stewardship.
- Stir up
- Stir up.
- Stopped.
- Strangers
- Strategy
- Straying.
- strength
- Strength.
- Strengthening
- Strife
- Strongholds
- Struggle
- Stubbornness
- Stumbling
- Stumbling Block
- Stumbling block.
- Subduing
- Subduing.
- Subjection
- Submission
- Submission.
- Substitutionary Atonement
- Subversion
- Success
- Succession
- Succession.
- Suddenness.
- suffering
- suffering.
- Sufficiency
- Supplication
- Supply
- Support
- Support.
- Supremacy
- Surrender
- Surrender.
- Survivors
- Sustenance
- Sustenance.
- Swearing.
- Sweetness.
- Sword of Spirit
- Sworn Promise.
- Tabernacle
- Taste
- Taunts.
- Taxes
- Teach
- Teachability.
- Teaching
- Teaching.
- Teaching Goodness.
- teamwork.
- Tearing down.
- Tears
- Tears.
- Temperance
- Temple
- Temple cleansing.
- Temple imagery.
- Temple of God.
- Temptation
- Temptation.
- Tender Mercies
- Tested
- Testify
- Testifying.
- Testimonies
- Testimonies.
- Testimony
- Testimony.
- Testing
- Testing.
- Testing spirits.
- thankfulness
- Thanks
- Thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving.
- Thirst
- Thirst for God.
- Thoughts
- Throne
- Thrones
- Time
- Time.
- Time Management.
- Timing
- Timing.
- Tithing
- Tithing.
- Tolerance
- Tongue
- Tongue.
- Touch
- Tradition
- Tradition.
- Traditions
- Training
- Transcendence.
- Transformation
- Transformation.
- Transgression
- Transgression.
- Transience
- Transience.
- Translation
- Transparency.
- Treasure
- Treasure.
- Tremble
- Trespass
- Trials
- Tribe
- Tribulation
- Trinity
- Trinity.
- Triumph
- Triumph.
- Triumph over enemies.
- trouble
- Trouble-free.
- Trouble.
- Troubled
- Troubled Hearts.
- Troubled Spirit.
- Trust
- Trust.
- Trust in God
- Trust in God.
- Trust in Wealth.
- Trustworthiness
- Trustworthiness.
- Truth
- Truth.
- Truthfulness
- Truthfulness.
- Truth of Christ
- Tumult
- Turn
- Turning from evil.
- Unbelief
- Unbelief.
- Uncertainty
- Uncertainty.
- Unchanging Love.
- Unchanging priesthood.
- Uncircumcision
- Understanding
- Understanding.
- Unexpected Arrival.
- Unexpected Salvation.
- Unfaithfulness
- unfitness
- Unforgiveness
- Ungodliness
- Ungodliness.
- Ungodly lusts.
- Uniqueness.
- unity
- Unity.
- Unity in Diversity
- Unity with Christ.
- Unity with God.
- Universality.
- Universal reign.
- Universal Salvation.
- Unmarried
- Unrighteousness
- Unrighteousness.
- Unsearchable.
- Uphold
- Upholding
- Uprightness
- Uprightness.
- Urgency
- Urgency.
- Usefulness
- Usefulness.
- Useless debates.
- Vain.
- Validity
- Value
- Value.
- Value of humanity
- Value of life.
- Value of Virtue
- Values.
- Vanishing Away.
- Vanity
- Vanity.
- Veil
- Veil removed
- Vengeance
- Vengeance.
- Victory
- Victory.
- Victory over Death
- Victory over enemies
- Victory over evil.
- vigilance
- Vigilance.
- Vindication
- Vindication.
- Violence
- Violence.
- Virgin birth
- Virginity
- Virtue
- Virtue.
- Virtuous living
- Visibility
- Visibility.
- vision
- Visitation.
- Vocation
- Voice of God.
- Vow
- Vows
- Vows.
- Vulnerability.
- Wages.
- Wait
- Waiting
- Waiting.
- waiting on God
- Walk
- Walk in Daylight.
- Walk in Faith.
- Walking before God
- Walking with God
- Wandering
- War
- War.
- warfare
- Warfare.
- Warning
- Warning.
- Watchfulness
- Watchfulness.
- Water
- Way
- Ways.
- Weak conscience
- Weakness
- Wealth
- Weeping
- Weight
- well-doing
- Wholeheartedness.
- Wholeness
- Wholeness.
- Wickedness
- Wickedness.
- Widowhood
- Widowhood.
- Widows
- Wilderness
- Wilderness Journey.
- Will
- Willingness
- will of God
- Will of God.
- wisdom
- Wisdom.
- Wisdom of God
- Withdrawal
- Within
- witness
- Witnesses
- Witnessing
- Witnessing.
- Witness of God.
- Woe
- Womanhood
- Women
- Women's worth
- Wonder
- Wonderful
- Wonderful Deeds.
- Wonderful works
- Wonders
- Wondrous deeds.
- Wondrous Works.
- Word
- Word.
- Word of Christ
- Word of God
- Word of God.
- Words
- Words.
- Words of God.
- Work
- Work.
- Work Ethic.
- Working together
- Workmanship
- Work of the Lord.
- Works
- Works-based salvation.
- Works of the Law.
- World
- Worldliness
- Worldliness.
- Worldly Concerns
- Worldly Opposition.
- worship
- Worship.
- worthiness
- Worthiness.
- Worthlessness
- Worthy.
- Wrath
- Wrath.
- Wrath of God.
- Wrongdoing
Praying for Others
Suppose we are praying for Michael.
We can also construct prayers of the form:
I pray that Michael will get a revelation that <Insert the Biblical truth here>
For example:
I pray that Michael will understand the width, depth, height and breadth of the vast love of God for him.
Try praying the Word of God for your family, the people you love, the people you are caring for, the people who may be discipling, and people generally.