Prayer based on Proverbs 21:12. Themes: Judgment, Justice, Consequences

Dear Lord, I thank you for your promise that the Righteous One considers the house of the wicked and brings them to ruin. I claim this promise over my life and the lives of those around me who may be living in wickedness. I pray that you would open their eyes to see the error of their ways and turn towards you. May your righteousness prevail and may the wickedness be brought to ruin. I trust in your unfailing love and your perfect justice. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Verse: The Righteous One considers the house of the wicked, and brings the wicked to ruin.
Proverbs 21:12

This is a Promise. The verse states that the righteous one will consider the house of the wicked and bring them to ruin. It is a promise of justice for the wicked.
