Praying from Matthew 12:18. Themes: Servanthood, Beloved, Justice

Dear Lord, I thank you for choosing me as your servant and for loving me with a love that surpasses all understanding. I pray that you will put your Spirit on me, so that I may proclaim justice to the nations. May my life be a reflection of your love and grace, and may I be a vessel for your purposes. I trust in your promise that you are well pleased with me, and I pray that I may always seek to please you in all that I do. Thank you for your faithfulness and for the privilege of serving you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Verse: “Behold, my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved in whom my soul is well pleased. I will put my Spirit on him. He will proclaim justice to the nations.
Matthew 12:18

This is a Promise. The verse promises that God will put his Spirit on his chosen servant who will proclaim justice to the nations.
