Prayer based on Matthew 21:30. Themes: Obedience, Deception, Repentance.

Dear Lord,

As I reflect on the verse where the second person was asked to do something and he said he would, but did not follow through, I pray that I may always be true to my word. Help me to be a person of integrity, who follows through on commitments and promises made.

May I not be like the second person who said one thing but did another. Instead, may my actions always align with my words, and may I be a person who can be trusted and relied upon.

Thank you for your guidance and wisdom in helping me to be a better person. May I always strive to do what is right and pleasing in your sight.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Verse: He came to the second, and said the same thing. He answered, ‘I’m going, sir,’ but he didn’t go.
Matthew 21:30

This is a Command. The verse is a parable told by Jesus in which a father asks his two sons to work in his vineyard. The son in this verse initially agrees to go but does not follow through, illustrating the importance of obedience and action.
