Praying from Matthew 12:37. Themes: Justification, Condemnation, Power of Words.

Dear Lord, I come before you humbly, recognizing that my words have the power to either justify or condemn me. I submit myself to your will and ask for your guidance in choosing my words wisely. Help me to speak truth, love, and kindness, and to avoid words that bring harm or negativity. I claim the promise that by speaking in accordance with your will, I will be justified. Thank you for your grace and mercy, and for the power of your word in my life. Amen.

Verse: For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
Matthew 12:37

This is a Both.

Summary: The verse commands the reader to be mindful of their words as they have the power to either justify or condemn them. It also promises that the consequences of one’s words will be reflected in their justification or condemnation.
