Praying from Acts 27:21. Themes: Trust, Consequences, Redemption.

Dear Lord,

As we face the challenges of life, we pray for your guidance and wisdom. Help us to listen to your voice and follow your will, even when it goes against our own desires and plans.

We ask for your mercy and grace, especially when we make mistakes and suffer the consequences of our actions. Give us the strength to endure hardships and the courage to admit our faults and seek forgiveness.

May we learn from the example of Paul, who spoke truth to power and trusted in your providence. May we also be bold and faithful witnesses of your love and truth, even in the midst of adversity and opposition.

We pray for those who are hungry and thirsty, physically and spiritually. May they find sustenance and hope in you, the bread of life and living water. May we also share our resources and compassion with those in need, as a sign of your kingdom and glory.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Verse: When they had been long without food, Paul stood up in the middle of them and said, “Sirs, you should have listened to me, and not have set sail from Crete and have gotten this injury and loss.
Acts 27:21

This is a Command. The command is for the readers to listen and obey Paul’s advice.
