Praying from Romans 1:26. Themes: Sin, Consequences, Judgment.

Dear God, we come before you humbly and ask for your guidance and protection. We know that you have given us free will, but we also know that we are prone to sin and temptation. Please help us to resist the lure of vile passions and to stay true to your teachings. We pray that you will give us the strength to resist the temptation to change the natural function of our bodies and to always honor your design for us. We ask for your forgiveness for any past transgressions and for your continued guidance as we strive to live according to your will. Amen.

Verse: For this reason, God gave them up to vile passions. For their women changed the natural function into that which is against nature.
Romans 1:26

This is a Command. The verse is a warning to readers to not engage in behavior that goes against natural function.
