Praying from Psalms 2:3. Themes: Rebellion, Freedom, Oppression.

Dear God, we come before you today asking for your help in breaking the bonds that hold us back. We ask that you cast away the cords that keep us from living the life you have planned for us. Give us the strength and courage to let go of anything that is hindering our progress and holding us back from fulfilling our purpose. Help us to trust in your plan and to have faith that you will guide us every step of the way. We pray for your divine intervention and ask that you break every chain that is holding us captive. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Verse: “Let’s break their bonds apart, and cast their cords from us.”
Psalms 2:3

This is a Command. The verse is a call to action to break the bonds and cords of the enemy.
