Prayer based on Proverbs 13:19. Themes: Longing fulfilled, Turning from evil.

Dear Lord, I come before you today with a heart full of longing. I know that when my desires are fulfilled, it brings sweetness to my soul. I claim the promise that you have given me in Proverbs 13:19. I pray that you will help me to turn away from evil and to follow your ways. I know that there are times when I am tempted to do wrong, but I ask that you will give me the strength to resist those temptations. Help me to be wise and to always choose what is right in your eyes. Thank you for your love and your grace. Amen.

Verse: Longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul, but fools detest turning from evil.
Proverbs 13:19

This is a Promise. The verse is saying that when a person’s desires are fulfilled, it brings joy to their soul. However, fools do not want to turn away from evil.
