Praying from Ephesians 4:8 relating to Ascension, Redemption, Grace

Father God, I thank you for the promise that when Jesus ascended on high, he led captivity captive and gave gifts to people. I claim this promise for myself and for those around me. I pray that you would release us from any captivity that may be holding us back and that you would pour out your gifts upon us. May we walk in the fullness of your blessings and use the gifts you have given us to bring glory to your name. Thank you for your faithfulness and for the victory we have in Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Verse: Therefore he says,“When he ascended on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to people.”
Ephesians 4:8

This is a Promise. The verse is stating that Jesus, after ascending to heaven, gave gifts to people.
