NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Luke 12:30. Themes: Providence, Trust, Materialism.Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for your promise that you know all of my needs. I pray that I may trust in you completely and not seek after the things that the nations of the world desire. Help me...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Luke 12:29. Themes: Providence, Trust, AnxietyDear God, please help me to trust in your provision and not be consumed by worry about what I will eat or drink. Help me to focus on seeking your kingdom and righteousness above all else, knowing that you...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Luke 12:28. Themes: Providence, Faith, Materialism.Dear God, I am in awe of how you clothe the grass in the field, which exists today and tomorrow is cast into the oven. I am grateful for your provision and care for all of creation. I pray that you...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Luke 12:27. Themes: Providence, Humility, TrustDear God, as I consider the lilies and how they grow without toiling or spinning, I am reminded of your provision and care for all of creation. Help me to trust in your provision for my life and to not...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Luke 12:24. Themes: Providence, Value, TrustDear God, I come before you today with a heart full of gratitude and thanksgiving. I thank you for your promise that you will provide for me just as you provide for the ravens. I claim this promise today and...