Prayer based on Psalms 6:3. Themes: Suffering, Trust, Lament

Dear Yahweh,

My soul is in great anguish, and I cry out to you for help. I know that you are the God of comfort and peace, and I trust in your promise to be with me always. Please give me the strength to endure this trial and the wisdom to see your hand at work in my life.

I claim your promise that you will never leave me or forsake me, and I know that you are working all things together for my good. Help me to trust in your plan and to find hope in the midst of my struggles.

Thank you for your unfailing love and faithfulness, and for the peace that comes from knowing you. I pray that you will continue to guide me and strengthen me, and that I will always find my refuge in you.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Verse: My soul is also in great anguish. But you, Yahweh— how long?
Psalms 6:3

This is a Promise. The verse expresses the psalmist’s anguish and his plea to God for relief. There is no direct command given to the reader.
