Prayer based on Psalms 135:5. Themes: God’s supremacy, Worship, Monotheism.

Dear Yahweh, I come before you today with a heart full of gratitude and praise. I declare that you are great and that you are above all gods. I claim the promise that you are the one true God, and that you are in control of all things. I trust in your power and your love, and I know that you will guide me through every challenge and every trial. Thank you for your faithfulness and your grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Verse: For I know that Yahweh is great, that our Lord is above all gods.
Psalms 135:5

This is a Promise. The verse is a declaration of the greatness of Yahweh and the supremacy of the Lord over all other gods. There is no specific command given to the reader.
