Prayer based on Mark 14:32. Themes: Prayer, Discipleship, Suffering

Dear Lord, as I come to this place of prayer, I am reminded of the moment when you led your disciples to Gethsemane. You asked them to sit and wait while you prayed. Lord, I ask that you help me to be still and wait on you. May I find the same peace and strength that you found in that garden. Help me to surrender my will to yours and trust in your plan for my life. May I be obedient to your voice and follow your lead. Thank you for your example of prayer and for the privilege of coming before you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Verse: They came to a place which was named Gethsemane. He said to his disciples,“Sit here while I pray.”
Mark 14:32

This is a Command – The reader is commanded to sit and wait while Jesus prays.
