Prayer based on Luke 10:36. Themes: Love, Compassion, Mercy.

Dear Lord, as I reflect on the parable of the Good Samaritan, I ask for your guidance in helping me to be a good neighbor to those around me. Help me to see those who are in need and to have the compassion and courage to reach out and help them. May I be willing to go out of my way to show kindness and love to those who are hurting or in distress. Give me the wisdom to discern how I can best serve others and the strength to follow through with action. Thank you for the example of the Good Samaritan and for the reminder to love our neighbors as ourselves. Amen.

Verse: Now which of these three do you think seemed to be a neighbor to him who fell among the robbers?”
Luke 10:36

This is a Command. The verse is asking the reader to consider which of the three characters in the parable acted as a neighbor to the man who was robbed.
