Prayer based on John 6:63. Themes: Spirit, Life, Flesh.

Dear Lord, I thank you for the promise that it is the spirit who gives life and that the flesh profits nothing. I claim the truth that the words you speak to me are spirit and life. I pray that you would fill me with your Holy Spirit and give me the strength to live a life that is pleasing to you. Help me to rely on your spirit and not on my own strength or abilities. May your words be a source of life and hope to me, guiding me on the path of righteousness. Thank you for your promise of abundant life through your spirit. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Verse: It is the spirit who gives life. The flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and are life.
John 6:63

This is a Promise. The verse promises that the words spoken by Jesus are spirit and life-giving.
