Praying from Hebrews 12:24 relating to Mediator, New Covenant, Blood of Sprinkling

Dear Lord Jesus, I come to you as the mediator of a new covenant, and I claim the promise of the blood of sprinkling that speaks better than that of Abel. I thank you for shedding your blood on the cross for my sins and for making a way for me to be reconciled to God. I pray that your blood will cleanse me from all unrighteousness and that it will speak on my behalf before the Father. I trust in your sacrifice and in the power of your blood to save me and to give me eternal life. Thank you for being my Savior and my Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Verse: to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better than that of Abel.
Hebrews 12:24

This is a Promise. The blood of Jesus speaks better than that of Abel, indicating that Jesus’ sacrifice is superior and able to cleanse us from sin.
