Prayer based on Psalms 146:4. Themes: Mortality, Impermanence, Eternity.

Dear Lord, I claim the promise that when my spirit departs, I will return to the earth and in that very day, my thoughts will perish. I trust in your promise that my soul will be with you in eternity and that all my earthly worries and concerns will fade away. Help me to live each day with the knowledge that my true home is with you and to focus on the things that truly matter. Thank you for your love and grace that sustains me each day. Amen.

Verse: His spirit departs, and he returns to the earth. In that very day, his thoughts perish.
Psalms 146:4

This is a Promise. The verse is stating that when a person dies, their thoughts perish and they return to the earth. There is no command given to the reader.
