NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Proverbs 23:19. Themes: Wisdom, Righteousness, Guidance.Dear God, please help me to listen and be wise. Guide me to keep my heart on the right path, so that I may live a life that is pleasing to you. Give me the strength and courage to make the right...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Proverbs 23:15. Themes: Wisdom, Joy, Father-Son Relationship.Dear Lord, I pray that you would grant me a wise heart. May I seek your wisdom and understanding in all that I do. As I grow in wisdom, I claim the promise that your heart will be glad, even...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Proverbs 23:12. Themes: Wisdom, Listening, Learning.Dear God, please help me to apply my heart to instruction and my ears to the words of knowledge. Give me the wisdom to discern what is true and valuable, and the humility to learn from others. Help me...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Proverbs 23:9. Themes: Wisdom, Foolishness, Communication.Dear God, please give me the wisdom to recognize when someone is not receptive to my words. Help me to refrain from speaking to a fool, knowing that they will only despise the wisdom I have to...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Proverbs 23:6. Themes: Wisdom, Temptation, Greed.Dear Lord, please guide me to avoid the food of those who have a stingy eye and help me resist the temptation to crave their delicacies. Give me the wisdom to discern those who are generous and...