NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Praying from Acts 16:28. Themes: Salvation, Unity, Protection.Dear Lord, help us to remember that we are never alone. Just as Paul cried out to his fellow prisoners, may we also cry out to those around us who may be struggling and feeling alone. Give us the courage to...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Praying from Acts 15:28. Themes: unity, guidance, graceDear Holy Spirit, we thank you for guiding us in all our decisions. We pray that you continue to lead us in the path of righteousness and wisdom. Help us to discern what is necessary and what is not, so that we...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Acts 15:13. Themes: Unity, Leadership, Communication.Dear Lord, as we come before you today, we ask for your guidance and wisdom. Just as James spoke to his brothers after they were silent, we pray that you would help us to listen to your voice and...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Acts 15:2. Themes: Unity, Conflict, LeadershipDear Lord, we come before you today with hearts full of gratitude for the gift of your word. We thank you for the example of Paul and Barnabas, who despite their differences, were willing to seek your...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Acts 14:14. Themes: Unity, Repentance, Evangelism.Dear Lord, may we have the same passion and zeal as Barnabas and Paul when they heard of the false teachings spreading among the people. Help us to be quick to respond and defend the truth, even if it...