NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Matthew 26:34. Themes: betrayal, prophecy, denialDear Lord Jesus, I claim the promise that you spoke to Peter, that before the rooster crows, he would deny you three times. I pray that I will never deny you, even in the face of persecution or hardship....
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Matthew 26:31. Themes: Suffering, Prophecy, Betrayal.Dear Lord, As I come before you today, I claim the promise that you have given us in your word. You have said that you will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered. I know...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Matthew 26:24. Themes: Betrayal, Prophecy, Consequences.Dear Lord, I thank you for the promise that the Son of Man goes even as it is written of him. I trust in your plan and purpose for my life, knowing that you are in control. I pray that I may never...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Matthew 26:21. Themes: Betrayal, Prophecy, Last Supper.Dear Lord, as we sit down to eat and fellowship with one another, we pray that you would reveal to us any hidden motives or intentions that may be contrary to your will. Help us to be honest with...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Matthew 24:34. Themes: Eschatology, Prophecy, Fulfillment.Dear Lord, I come before you today claiming the promise that you have given us in Matthew 24:34. You have said that this generation will not pass away until all these things are accomplished. I...