NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Psalms 89:2. Themes: Love, Faithfulness, Creation.Dear God, I declare with confidence that Your love stands firm forever. You are the one who established the heavens and everything in them. Your faithfulness is evident in all that You have created. I...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Psalms 89:1. Themes: Loving kindness, Faithfulness, Generational legacy.Dear Yahweh, I come before you today to claim the promise of your loving kindness and faithfulness. I declare that I will sing of your loving kindness forever and make known your...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Psalms 88:11. Themes: Love, Faithfulness, DeathDear Lord, I come before you today with a heart full of gratitude for your unfailing love and faithfulness. I declare that your loving kindness is not confined to the grave, and your faithfulness is not...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Psalms 84:10. Themes: Worship, Faithfulness, Holiness.Dear Lord, I thank you for the promise that a day in your courts is better than a thousand. I declare that I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Psalms 78:24. Themes: Provision, Faithfulness, DependenceDear Lord, I claim the promise that you have rained down manna on your people to eat and have given them food from the sky. I trust that you will provide for my needs just as you did for the...