NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Mark 14:14. Themes: Hospitality, Passover, Discipleship.Dear Lord, as I enter into new places and spaces, may I always be mindful of your presence. Help me to be a messenger of your word and to share your teachings with those around me. Just as the...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Mark 8:21. Themes: Understanding, Faith, Discipleship.Dear God, please help me to understand your teachings and guidance. When I am confused or struggling to comprehend, please give me the wisdom and insight to grasp your message. Please don’t...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Mark 6:7. Themes: Authority, Sending Out, Discipleship.Dear Lord, just as you called the twelve disciples and sent them out with authority over unclean spirits, we pray that you would also call us and equip us with the power to overcome the evil in...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Praying from Luke 24:29. Themes: Hospitality, Fellowship, Discipleship.Dear Lord, I urge you to stay with me always, for the day is almost over and the night is approaching. I pray that you will come into my heart and stay with me forever. May your presence be felt in...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Luke 22:11. Themes: Hospitality, Passover, Discipleship.Dear Lord, as we prepare to celebrate the Passover, we ask for your guidance and wisdom. Help us to make room for you in our hearts and in our homes. We invite you to be our honored guest and to...