Praying from Romans 10:12. Themes: Unity, Salvation, Equality.

Dear Lord, I thank you for the promise that there is no distinction between Jew and Greek in your eyes. I claim this promise today and ask that you help me to see others as you see them, without prejudice or bias. I thank you that you are the Lord of all and that you are rich to all who call on you. I call on you today, Lord, and ask that you pour out your blessings on me and on all those who seek you. Help me to love others as you love them and to treat them with the same kindness and compassion that you show to me. Thank you for your grace and mercy, and for the promise that we are all one in you. Amen.

Verse: For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich to all who call on him.
Romans 10:12

This is a Promise. The verse promises that there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, and that the Lord is rich to all who call on him.
