Praying from Psalms 25:1. Themes: Trust, Guidance, Forgiveness

Dear Yahweh,

I come before you today with a heart full of gratitude and praise. I lift up my soul to you, knowing that you are the only one who can satisfy the deepest longings of my heart.

I claim the promise that you will never leave me nor forsake me. I trust in your unfailing love and your faithfulness to your promises. I know that you are with me always, even in the darkest of times.

Thank you for being my rock and my refuge. Thank you for your grace and your mercy. I surrender my life to you and ask that you guide me in all that I do.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Verse: To you, Yahweh, I lift up my soul.
Psalms 25:1

This is a Promise. The verse is a declaration of the psalmist’s trust and devotion to Yahweh.
