Praying from Psalms 145:1. Themes: Exaltation, Praise, Kingship.

Dear God, my King, I come before you today to exalt and praise your holy name. I declare that I will lift you up and honor you above all else. I thank you for your faithfulness and goodness in my life, and I trust that you will continue to be with me forever and ever. I claim the promise that you will always be with me, guiding and protecting me. I praise you for your love and mercy, and I ask that you continue to bless me and those around me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Verse: I will exalt you, my God, the King. I will praise your name forever and ever.
Psalms 145:1

This is a Promise. The verse promises to exalt and praise God’s name forever and ever.
