Prayer based on Psalms 119:162. Themes: Joy, Word, Treasure

Dear Lord, I thank you for your precious word that brings joy to my heart. I claim the promise that I will rejoice at your word, just like one who finds great plunder. May your word be a treasure to me, guiding me in all my ways and giving me strength to face every challenge. Help me to always seek your word and to find joy in it, knowing that it is a source of life and hope. Thank you for your faithfulness and for the promises that you have given me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Verse: I rejoice at your word, as one who finds great plunder.
Psalms 119:162

This is a Promise. The verse expresses the author’s joy in God’s word, comparing it to the joy of finding great treasure. There is no direct command given to the reader.
