Prayer based on Psalms 118:5. Themes: Salvation, Deliverance, Faithfulness.

Dear Yah,

Out of my distress, I call on you today. I know that you are the only one who can bring me true freedom and deliverance from all my troubles. I trust in your promise that when I call on you, you will answer me with freedom.

I claim this promise today, knowing that you are faithful and true to your word. I believe that you will set me free from all the things that are holding me back and causing me pain.

Thank you for your love and mercy, and for always being there for me. I put my trust in you, and I know that you will never let me down.

In your holy name, I pray.


Verse: Out of my distress, I called on Yah.Yah answered me with freedom.
Psalms 118:5

This is a Promise. The verse is a testimony of the psalmist’s experience of calling on Yah and being answered with freedom from distress. There is no explicit command given to the reader.
