Prayer based on Psalms 115:16. Themes: Creation, Dominion, Stewardship.

Dear Yahweh,

Thank you for the heavens that belong to you, and for the promise that you have given the earth to us, your children. We claim this promise today and ask for your guidance and wisdom as we steward the earth that you have entrusted to us. Help us to be good caretakers of your creation, to use its resources wisely, and to protect it for future generations. May we always remember that the earth is a gift from you, and may we honor you by using it for your glory. Amen.

Verse: The heavens are Yahweh’s heavens, but he has given the earth to the children of men.
Psalms 115:16

This is a Promise. The verse states that while the heavens belong to Yahweh, the earth has been given to humanity. This can be interpreted as a promise of ownership and stewardship over the earth.
