Prayer based on Luke 9:58. Themes: Homelessness, Sacrifice, Humility.

Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for reminding me that even though the foxes have holes and the birds of the sky have nests, you, the Son of Man, had no place to lay your head. I claim the promise that you will always provide for me, even when I feel like I have nowhere to turn. Help me to trust in your provision and to have faith that you will always be with me, no matter what. Thank you for your love and care for me.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Verse: Jesus said to him,“The foxes have holes and the birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”
Luke 9:58

This is a Promise. The verse is a statement by Jesus that he has no permanent home or place to rest.
