Prayer based on Luke 14:8. Themes: Humility, Hospitality, Respect for others.

Dear Lord,

As we approach the wedding feast of life, we pray for humility and wisdom. Help us to remember that we are all equal in your eyes and that we should not seek the best seat at the table. Instead, may we be content with where you have placed us and be willing to serve others. May we always be mindful of those around us and show respect to all. We ask for your guidance and grace as we navigate this journey of life. Amen.

Verse: “When you are invited by anyone to a wedding feast, don’t sit in the best seat, since perhaps someone more honorable than you might be invited by him,
Luke 14:8

This is a Command. The verse instructs the reader not to sit in the best seat at a wedding feast, as someone more honorable may be invited.
