Prayer based on John 17:4. Themes: glorification, accomplishment, obedience.

Dear Lord, I thank you for the promise that you have given me through your word. I declare that I will glorify you on the earth and accomplish the work that you have given me to do. I trust in your strength and guidance to help me fulfill my purpose and bring glory to your name. May my life be a reflection of your love and grace, and may I always seek to honor you in all that I do. Thank you for your faithfulness and for the promise that you will never leave me nor forsake me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Verse: I glorified you on the earth. I have accomplished the work which you have given me to do.
John 17:4

This is a Promise. The verse is Jesus speaking to God, declaring that he has completed the work God gave him to do and has glorified God on earth. There is no direct command or instruction given to the reader.
