Prayer based on John 1:50. Themes: Faith, Revelation, Miracles.

Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for revealing yourself to me and for the promise that I will see greater things than these. I claim this promise today and ask that you open my eyes to see the wonders of your love and grace. Help me to trust in you and to believe that you have great things in store for me. May my faith in you grow stronger each day, and may I always remember that you are with me, guiding me and leading me on the path of righteousness. Thank you for your unfailing love and for the promise of greater things to come. In your precious name, I pray. Amen.

Verse: Jesus answered him,“Because I told you, ‘ I saw you underneath the fig tree,’ do you believe? You will see greater things than these!”
John 1:50

This is a Promise. The promise is that the reader will see greater things than Jesus seeing him under the fig tree.
