Prayer based on John 12:31. Themes: Judgment, Prince cast out.

Dear Lord,

I claim the promise that you have given us in your word that “Now is the judgment of this world. Now the prince of this world will be cast out.” I pray that you will cast out the prince of this world from my life and from the lives of those around me. May your judgment fall upon the evil that seeks to destroy us and may your righteousness prevail.

I trust in your power and your love to overcome the darkness that surrounds us. I pray that you will give us the strength and courage to stand firm in our faith and to resist the temptations of the enemy. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on you and to trust in your promises.

Thank you for your grace and mercy that has saved us from the power of sin and death. May we always remember that you are the one who has overcome the world and that we can have victory through you.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Verse: Now is the judgment of this world. Now the prince of this world will be cast out.
John 12:31

This is a Promise. The verse states that the judgment of the world has come and the prince of this world (referring to Satan) will be cast out. This is a promise of victory over evil and the ultimate triumph of God’s kingdom.
