Praying from Acts 23:21. Themes: Persecution, Conspiracy, Vow

Dear Lord, I thank you for your promise of protection and provision in my life. I declare that I will not yield to the plans of the enemy, for I know that you have more than forty angels surrounding me, ready to fight on my behalf. I claim your promise of safety and security, knowing that those who seek to harm me will not prevail. I trust in your unfailing love and faithfulness, and I thank you for the peace that comes from knowing that you are with me always. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Verse: Therefore don’t yield to them, for more than forty men lie in wait for him, who have bound themselves under a curse to neither eat nor drink until they have killed him. Now they are ready, looking for the promise from you.”
Acts 23:21

This is a Promise. The verse is referring to a group of men who have made a vow to kill someone and are waiting for the opportunity to do so. The promise mentioned is that they are waiting for a signal or indication from someone to carry out their plan.
