Praying from 1 Corinthians 15:1. Themes: Salvation, Gospel, Faith

Dear Lord,

I humbly submit myself to you and declare my faith in the Good News that was preached to me. I received it with an open heart and now I stand firm in it. I claim the promise of salvation and eternal life that comes with believing in you.

May your Holy Spirit guide me and strengthen me as I continue to walk in your ways. Help me to share this Good News with others so that they too may receive the gift of salvation.

Thank you for your love and grace that has saved me. I pray that I may always stand firm in your truth and be a witness to your goodness.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Verse: Now I declare to you, brothers, the Good News which I preached to you, which also you received, in which you also stand,
1 Corinthians 15:1

This is a Both.

The command is to stand in the Good News that was preached and received. The promise is that the Good News is the foundation on which the reader can stand.
