NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Mark 13:2. Themes: Destruction, Prophecy, End times.Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for your words of truth and wisdom. As I look upon the great buildings around me, I claim the promise that you spoke to your disciples. I believe that not one stone will...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Mark 1:2. Themes: Preparation, Prophecy, Messenger Dear Lord, I pray that you would send your messengers to prepare the way of the Lord. May your messengers guide and lead us in the right direction, so that we may follow your will and purpose for our...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Praying from Luke 24:44. Themes: fulfillment, prophecy, scriptureDear Lord, I thank you for the promise that all things written in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms concerning you must be fulfilled. I claim this promise today and trust that you will...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Praying from Luke 24:27. Themes: Redemption, Prophecy, Christology.Dear Lord, I claim the promise that you will reveal yourself to me through your word. Just as you explained to the disciples all the things concerning yourself beginning from Moses and all the...
NT Scriptural Prayer Templates
Prayer based on Luke 21:32. Themes: Eschatology, Prophecy, Fulfillment.Dear Lord, I come before you today claiming the promise that you have given us in Matthew 24:34. I believe with all my heart that you have declared that this generation will not pass away until all...