Prayer based on Psalms 76:1. Themes: God’s sovereignty, Worship, Knowledge

Dear God,

I come before you today with a heart full of gratitude and praise. I thank you for the promise that in Judah, you are known and your name is great in Israel. I claim this promise for myself and for my loved ones.

May your name be known and revered in our lives, and may we always acknowledge your greatness and sovereignty. Help us to trust in you and to seek your guidance in all that we do.

Thank you for your unfailing love and faithfulness. May we always be mindful of your presence in our lives and may we give you all the glory and honor that you deserve.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Verse: In Judah, God is known.His name is great in Israel.
Psalms 76:1

This is a Promise. The verse is stating that God is known and his name is great in Israel and Judah.
