Prayer based on Psalms 34:15. Themes: Righteousness, Listening, Protection.

Dear Yahweh,

I come before you today claiming the promise that your eyes are toward the righteous and your ears listen to their cry. I thank you for your faithfulness and for always being there for me.

I pray that you continue to watch over me and guide me in the path of righteousness. Help me to always seek your will and to follow your ways.

I also pray that you hear my cries and the cries of those around me who are in need. I trust that you will provide for us and that you will never leave us nor forsake us.

Thank you for your love and your grace. I give you all the glory and honor.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Verse: Yahweh’s eyes are toward the righteous. His ears listen to their cry.
Psalms 34:15

This is a Promise. The verse assures the reader that God is attentive to the cries of the righteous.
