Prayer based on Psalms 119:31. Themes: Obedience, Trust, Faithfulness.

Dear Yahweh, I come before you today and declare that I cling to your statutes. I trust in your word and your ways, knowing that they are true and righteous. I claim the promise that you will never disappoint me, and I ask that you would help me to hold fast to your commands and follow your will for my life. May your Holy Spirit guide me and strengthen me, so that I may walk in your ways and bring glory to your name. Thank you for your faithfulness and your love, and for the assurance that you will never let me be disappointed. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Verse: I cling to your statutes, Yahweh. Don’t let me be disappointed.
Psalms 119:31

This is a Promise. The verse expresses the psalmist’s trust in God’s statutes and his plea for God to not let him be disappointed.
