Prayer based on Proverbs 22:12. Themes: God’s sovereignty, faithfulness, judgment

Dear Yahweh,

Thank you for watching over knowledge and guiding us towards wisdom and understanding. I claim the promise that your eyes are upon me, and I trust that you will lead me in the right direction.

I pray that you frustrate the words of the unfaithful and protect me from their deceitful ways. Help me to discern truth from falsehood and to always seek your will above all else.

Thank you for your constant presence and guidance in my life. May I always trust in your wisdom and follow your ways.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Verse: Yahweh’s eyes watch over knowledge, but he frustrates the words of the unfaithful.
Proverbs 22:12

This is a Promise.

The verse promises that Yahweh watches over knowledge and frustrates the words of the unfaithful.
