Prayer based on Proverbs 19:29. Themes: Punishment, Foolishness, Consequences.

Dear Lord,

We come before you humbly and ask for your guidance and wisdom. We know that penalties are prepared for scoffers and beatings for the backs of fools. We pray that we may never become scoffers or fools, but instead, seek your truth and follow your ways. Help us to be humble and wise, and to always seek your will in our lives. May we never stray from your path, but always walk in your light. We ask for your protection and guidance, and we trust in your love and mercy. Amen.

Verse: Penalties are prepared for scoffers, and beatings for the backs of fools.
Proverbs 19:29

This is a Command. The verse warns the reader that there are consequences for being a scoffer or a fool.
